chuen3407 發表於 6-10-2013 11:41:01

Bafs Bank reconciliation 問題 好急..............好急..............

A cheque paid to a creditor in settlement of his account of $5280, less a cash discount of 5% , had been entered in the cash book as a receipt with   the gross amount
之後要update cashbook
點解個ans話係cashbook(credit side) ,creditor ($5280 + 5016)   $10296

其實$5280係扣左cash discount未? 我透過咩地方知道佢扣左or未扣?
Thank you:Q

小雪冰 發表於 8-10-2013 21:54:47

1. 答案解釋
所以應該係要debit creditor & credit cash book
但係因為佢話"a cheque ... had been entered in cash book as a receipt ..."
所以呢個entry就唔係credit cash book
而係掉轉左做debit cash book

1. 還原番debit左既數
Cr cash book $5280 (因為宜家入左gross amount 姐係總數)

2. 做番正確entry = credit cash book
Cr cash book $5016 (5280 x 95%)

cash book總共就credit左 $5280 + $5016 = $10296

我唔知佢debit同埋credit緊咩item 同埋係咩amount
例如係creditor使唔使改 有既要改邊度
同埋cash discount既entry

2. cash discount
無他既 都係睇番成句句子既意思黎判斷
呢度話"... of $5280, less a cash discount of 5% ..."
姐係由$5280扣5% cash discount出黎
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